The biggest news today is that the Food and Drug Administration officially FULLY approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for adult use against COVID, which is a big deal. It doesn’t change our access to it here in the U.S., it just shows people who claimed their reluctance was based on the vaccine’s lack of full approval that their concerns have been alleviated. If that was their actual concern.
Meanwhile, the same FDA had to say this.
You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it.
— U.S. FDA (@US_FDA) August 21, 2021
Somehow, American adults who don’t trust the vaccine specifically to protect humans against COVID do trust a livestock deworming medication which is neither for humans nor for COVID.
I do not understand this.
Old person story: Kids used to try to persuade their parents to let them do something because all of their friends were doing it, and parents used to reply by asking if they would jump off a bridge if their friends did it, which was supposed to make a point about blind conformity… but… now I suspect some of those kids could counter with, “Like the time you took horse de-worming medication to treat an unrelated illness because of something you read on Facebook? “ Which would make their parents go quiet.
The World Health Organization has been compiling the wacky things people think, to correct their strange confusion. Their myth-busting page is here:

My favorite, because it is about tasty food, is: