Language: German Conjugator

I write in German regularly, but not fluently. What I mean is, my conversational German is okay (I can talk about my life and the weather), my transactional German is okay (I can buy shoes and order food), but my new pen pals keep raising topics I’ve never discussed in German, and so I’m learning new words. Which is GREAT! But… I don’t know how to conjugate the new verbs.

Google Translate ( is nearly magical in its application, and I rely on it while traveling. The image to text instant translations are AMAZING! And the translations are pretty smart. I think I’ve mentioned before that it misses context and nuance, which makes some sense: when I had large Swiss bills and smaller denominations, it offered transformation in place of change, because the nuance is a little different in German: I needed small money. But I knew enough German not to ask for transformation, so it was FINE.

Anyway, Google Translate is my go-to for trying to say new things. However, for all of its excellence, switches between conversational past (I had eaten) and simple past (I ate) in a way that distracts me, and which I don’t seem to influence by my English wording. I want to be more consistent, and this tool, which is called Reverso Conjugator, can help me!

We used conversational past in school, so simple past is kind of exciting – close to how I speak in English, but also unfamiliar in a few ways. So, I’m using it to learn, and it’s been great so far! I recommend it!

Pandemic Life: Humans are Strange

The biggest news today is that the Food and Drug Administration officially FULLY approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for adult use against COVID, which is a big deal. It doesn’t change our access to it here in the U.S., it just shows people who claimed their reluctance was based on the vaccine’s lack of full approval that their concerns have been alleviated. If that was their actual concern.

Meanwhile, the same FDA had to say this.

Somehow, American adults who don’t trust the vaccine specifically to protect humans against COVID do trust a livestock deworming medication which is neither for humans nor for COVID.

I do not understand this.

Old person story: Kids used to try to persuade their parents to let them do something because all of their friends were doing it, and parents used to reply by asking if they would jump off a bridge if their friends did it, which was supposed to make a point about blind conformity… but… now I suspect some of those kids could counter with, “Like the time you took horse de-worming medication to treat an unrelated illness because of something you read on Facebook? “ Which would make their parents go quiet.

The World Health Organization has been compiling the wacky things people think, to correct their strange confusion. Their myth-busting page is here:

My favorite, because it is about tasty food, is:

FACT: Peppers are tasty!

Climate Emergency Life: Oddly Tinted Sunlight Persists

When I look directly at the sun (which I should not be able to do), the sun and the light that reaches us here at ground/sea level still has a strangely orange tint. Considering the vastness of the fires in my region, this shouldn’t be a surprise.

It’s not just my region, of course. There are fires all up the western coast of North America, and serious fires in Canada that have also destroyed entire towns. Heck, it isn’t even about North America. This month, we have seen raging fires in Turkey, raging fires in Greece, even raging fires in SIBERIA, in North Africa, in… well, you get it.

Strangely, a colleague said a friend of hers was leaving California to avoid the wildfires. I made a face, because… leaving one state to escape the global climate emergency won’t work. (I’m not listing all the locations that have experienced floods in the news over the past month, but it is just as long a list, and it is happening for all the same reasons…) I wonder how long it will take her friend to figure that out…

Book: Concrete edited by William Hall

edited by William Hall, with an Essay by Leonard Koren
published by Phaidon Ltd., New York & London

I purchased this oversized, well-illustrated book more because I love Phaidon as a publisher than because I love concrete. I certainly don’t love concrete as much as William Hall, whose introductory page made me laugh out loud over his enthusiasm and his bafflement that everyone does not share it.

I have my own strong feelings about concrete. I loved my structures class in architecture school, and, even though I prefer steel trusses and wooden glu-lams for a surprising number of purposes, I was lucky enough to have T.Y. Lin, ‘the father of pre-stressed concrete,’ come to speak at City College of San Francisco while I was attending. His work in concrete impressed me greatly, and made me fussy about its application. His applications were so damned CLEVER. Lin (who passed away in 2003) and his firm have an amazing practice with bridges AND other structures in which concrete really shows off its compressive strengths. Pre-stressing in their work also allowed concrete to be used in situations where it would otherwise be a too-heavy, too-bulky choice. The firm’s work include structures that have thin decks and crisp, curved walls because of his practice’s expertise with pre-stressing (and likely also post-tensioning, which also increases concrete’s versatility).

So my enthusiasm for concrete emphasizes using it where it can do something that steel or wood CAN’T. Arches, rings, heavy supports, thin parabolas, crisp curved shells – shapes where compression is why it was chosen.

I appreciate that there are other reasons concrete may be chosen – its versatility, ability to be shaped into many different forms, fire resistance, ability to include on-site aggregates, and so on. But if a building doesn’t have some structural sophistication that REQUIRED concrete, I’ll often give it the side eye. Not to single out the gorgeous works of Louis Barragán, but I often look at his painted walls and think aloud, “yes, but they aren’t holding anything up, so he could have done that with plaster over just about any building material.” I am disclosing this purist structural bias up front.

I have another bias, which is that I live in an area prone to earthquakes, and so I am forgiving about the fact that concrete is rarely only concrete. Here in seismically BUSY California, there is invariably steel rebar, glass fibers, or something else giving concrete tensile strength it wouldn’t ordinarily have, to keep it from dropping chunks on us when our buildings shake. The waffle ceilings of my college architecture building were designed to let the concrete crumble or crack lightly while the steel gave us time to get out in the event of a major seismic event beyond its capacity. So I (reluctantly) accept that this book on concrete is rarely about concrete by itself, because I would avoid such buildings for safety reasons! (STEEL IS AWESOME!) So, I’m conceding this point, so you will know that my weird purist bias has practical limits involving wanting us all to survive earthquakes.

But enough about me, let’s talk about me. No, wait, I mean the book!

The projects in this survey are organized by their dominant characteristics, such as mass, scale, or texture, and this works well as an organizational principle. The book is a broad mix of different programs, leaning heavily on physically larger projects where concrete makes sense. As a survey, it includes many older, established projects which are often illustrated in black and white. It may sound silly that I want to see the color of the concrete, but I DO, so for the still-extant older projects, I would have preferred newer color images of them. (Beyond the older, harshly lit photos, the older projects also reflect that formal architecture and/or recognition for it was largely closed to anyone but European men during prior eras, so even the institutional projects in Asia shown were designed by famous European architects. The later projects fare a bit bitter, generating my relief to see Ando and a few female names.)

The most impressive projects for my purposes are those where concrete was necessary due to scale or form. This means I was especially pleased by multi-unit housing projects, public libraries, and (hooray for) aerospace buildings. I made a sad face at Falling Water but a happy face at Johnson Wax. (Falling Water is reputed to be a maintenance nightmare, so if we have to do FLW, Johnson Wax is more overtly successful.) I made frowny faces at Corbu’s skinny columns and space-consuming ramps, and I have mixed feelings about the Japanese residential projects, which are too often just shown from the outside as interesting but potentially unlivable geometric objects.

The layouts across pages are quite good. Projects half a century apart may share a page spread, but they have forms in common that make points about the use of concrete over time — say, a Fiat rooftop car racing track and a concrete pool-type skate park – that are thoughtful and appealing.

This book has a good design, a good essay by Leonard Koren who – YES! – raises the environmental impacts of concrete, and some good selected works to profile, with enough information to send you in the right direction for further research. This is a pleasing addition to my Phaidon book collection.

Books: Writing Fiction during an Implausible Time

I write legal and technical materials professionally, AND I recreationally write a range of other things. Blogs like this, web pages, a surprising number of letters and postcards, diaries, notes for stories, and fiction. Writing is something I have always enjoyed, and I am always writing something, at least for my own satisfaction.

As with so many other fiction writers, the current pandemic has been a wake up call that the popular fictional narratives we have around plagues are not accurate. Yes, in nearly every popular movie, there is a warning from scientists that goes unheeded, and there is needless suffering. Yes, there are rumors and superstitions and panics, and we see those in films and playing out similarly in real life.

Yet, the level of denial visible in real life in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic is shocking. People are devoting significant time to announcing that the pandemic is: a hoax, a domestic conspiracy (despite its global nature), a foreign plot (it is somehow not real but also a foreign bioweapon), a domestic power grab (preventing illness is oppression?), a disease carried by outsiders (again, somehow it is not real but also something strangers bring? WHAT?), something that isn’t real so they flout precautions, something that isn’t real so they sabotage the medicines (but if it isn’t real, why bother sabotaging medicines?), a situation where the vaccine is free but a counterfeit card that falsely claims you were vaccinated costs $400 (so it would be cheaper to go along with the treatment than pretend you did), a private sector plot to embed microchips into people (for generally unexplained purposes, though when they are explained, it always involves something like the location your smartphone already records, which means an additional device would not be necessary)… In this bizarre current reality, the pandemic is somehow BOTH a situation where precautions against catching the illness are banned by a governor AND a situation where that governor’s state requires federal emergency supplies of hospital ventilators and monoclonal antibody treatments for the seriously ill, which the governor suggests people somehow self-medicate with for this illness he says isn’t serious?

If I had written ANY of these things into a fiction story, my writing would have been rejected as implausible. The publishers would have told me that people are not that stupid, and that I should feel bad about making my fellow Americans look so ridiculous.

-I mean, really.

I want people in my fiction writing to be both realistic and smart, but it feels like I can only have one of those two.

I am inspired to post this after reading the tweet above, about news that a sci-fi movie has been interpreted as reality by the anti-vaccine-far-right (who failed to even grasp basic details about the movie they are basing their nonsensical conspiracies on). Their nonsense has gotten so much press that the screenwriter for this remade sci-fi movie had to make public statements emphasizing that it is fiction:

(It is still strange to read something on Twitter and later find the tweets I read subsequently inspired news articles…)

The past several years have inspired many discussions about the death of parody in the face of an absurd reality, but the current absurd reality also is killing off the premise that the vast majority of people could consistently act intelligently. Maybe we could get to half, or nearly half, but not an overwhelming majority.

I want a future where people ARE actually intelligent. I want to WRITE futures in which people are intelligent!

I suppose my defense for stories with predominantly intelligent populations will be: yes, but I told you this is fiction.

List: My Twelve Inch Record Collection

I’m organizing some of my things for a construction project, and one of those things is my Long Playing Record (LP) collection. My first actual music “album” was an audiocassette of Rick Springfield’s Working Class Dog, and the original Sony Walkman made cassettes preferable, so I could take music with me on long transit rides (and somehow, all transit rides were long back then!).

However, records were… special. You would plop down in front of your home stereo and listen to records to listen to records, not just as background music for other things! It was a wonderful activity, and I had some enormous headphones (which surely belonged to my father) with a spiral cord that would attach me to the stereo for HOURS. But it was also good to have friends over to listen to records together.

I don’t buy records anymore, in this era of buying online and having music on many devices — who would have thought I would listen on tiny Bose earbuds to my music ON MY PHONE (!?!?!?) — but I still enjoy my collection.

I’m sharing a list of my 12″ records sorted by year recorded. This will tell you about my age (eek), and also when my core record-buying years were. Even during those years, my audio cassette purchases were high at the beginning, and my CD purchases overlapped at the end, so this isn’t a complete reflection of my music buying at the time. It does reflect music I took the time to enjoy at home, or took a risk on, since records were reasonably priced (and were what I spent my allowance and job income on). This list includes LPs (long playing records), EPs (extended playing records – collections of 2 or more songs), 12″ singles (songs too long to fit on a 45 single song record, usually because they have been remixed), and various special variations of these (versions released in other countries, picture disks, etc.).

My 12″ Records Sorted by Year of Release, then Artist Name ( 122 Items)

  • 1972
    • Bowie, David – The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars — RCA — 1972
  • 1977
    • Bowie, David – Heroes — RCA — 1977
    • Elvis Costello – My Aim Is True — Stiff — 1977
  • 1978
    • Elvis Costello and the Attractions – Armed Forces — Columbia — 1978
  • 1979
    • B-52’s, The – The B-52’s — Warner Bros — 1979
  • 1981
    • Duran Duran – Careless Memories 12″ — Tritec — 1981
    • Duran Duran – Nite Romantics (Japan Edition) — EMI — 1981
    • Idol, Billy – Don’t Stop — Chrysalis — 1981
  • 1982
    • Adam Ant – Friend or Foe — Epic — 1982
    • Clash, The – Combat Rock — CBS — 1982
    • Culture Club – Kissing to be Clever — Virgin — 1982
    • Duran Duran – Carnival (Japan Edition) — Tritec — 1982
    • Duran Duran – Rio 12″ — EMI — 1982
    • Foreigner – Records — Atlantic — 1982
    • Madness – The Rise and Fall – — Stiff — 1982
    • Men At Work – Cargo — Columbia — 1982
    • Depeche Mode – See You (Extended Version) — Mute — 1982
  • 1983
    • Culture Club – Colour By Numbers — Virgin — 1983
    • Def Leppard – Pyromania — Polygram — 1983
    • Depeche Mode – Construction Time Again — Sire — 1983
    • Duran Duran – Is There Something I Should Know? 12″ — Tritec — 1983
    • Duran Duran – New Moon on Monday 12″ — EMI — 1983
    • Duran Duran – Seven and the Ragged Tiger — EMI — 1983
    • Duran Duran – Union of the Snake 12″ — Tritec — 1983
    • Echo and The Bunnymen – EP Recorded Live a tthe Royal Albert Hall — Sire — 1983
    • Fixx, The – Reach the Beach — MCA — 1983
    • Frankie Goes to Hollywood – Relax 12″ — ZTT — 1983
    • Gene Loves Jezebel – Promise — Beggar’s Banquet — 1983
    • Idol, Billy – Billy Idol — Chrysalis — 1983
    • Idol, Billy – Rebel Yell — Chrysalis — 1983
    • Lauper, Cyndi – She’s So Unusual — CBS — 1983
    • Midnight Oil – 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 — Columbia — 1983
    • New Order – Blue Monday 12″ — Qwest — 1983
    • Tears for Fears – The Hurting — Polygram — 1983
    • Total Coelo – I Eat Cannibals 12″ — Chrysalis — 1983
    • U2 – Under a Blood Red Sky Live 12″ — Warner Bros — 1983
    • U2 – War — Island — 1983
    • Yanks – Only Lovers Left Alive — Orb — 1983
  • 1984
    • Alphaville – Forever Young — Atlantic — 1984
    • Aztec Camera – Knife — Sire — 1984
    • Big Country – Steeltown — Phonogram — 1984
    • Bowie, David – Tonight — EMI — 1984
    • Culture Club – Waking Up with the House on Fire — Virgin — 1984
    • Depeche Mode – Some Great Reward — Sire — 1984
    • Duran Duran – Arena — Capitol — 1984
    • Duran Duran – The Reflex 12″ Picture Disk — Tritec — 1984
    • Frankie Goes to Hollywood – Two Tribes (Annihilation) 12″ — ZTT — 1984
    • Frankie Goes to Hollywood – Welcome to the Pleasuredome — Island — 1984
    • General Public – All The Rage — IRS — 1984
    • Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark – Junk Culture — Virgin — 1984
    • Simple Minds – Sparkle In The Rain — A&M — 1984
    • Springfield, Rick – Beautiful Feelings — Polygram — 1984
    • Talk Talk – It’s My Life — EMI — 1984
    • Talking Heads – Stop Making Sense — Sire — 1984
    • Time Zone – World Destruction 12″ — OAO — 1984
    • U2 – The Unforgettable Fire — Island — 1984
    • Wham! – Make It Big — CBS — 1984
    • Yanks – Made in the States — DTI — 1984
  • 1985
    • Cult, The – Love — Sire — 1985
    • Depeche Mode – Black Celebration — Sire — 1985
    • Depeche Mode – Catching Up with Depeche Mode — Mute — 1985
    • Elvis Costello and the Attractions – The Best of Elvis Costello and the Attractions — Columbia — 1985
    • Hooters – Nervous Night — CBS — 1985
    • INXS – Listen Like Thieves — Atlantic — 1985
    • Midnight Oil – Red Sails in the Sunset — CBS — 1985
    • New Order – Low Life — Qwest — 1985
    • New Order – The Perfect Kiss 12″ — Qwest — 1985
    • Oingo Boingo – Dead Man’s Party — MCA — 1985
    • Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark – Crush — A&M / Virgin — 1985
    • REM – Fables of The Reconstruction — IRS — 1985
    • Scritti Politti – Cupid & Psyche 85 — Warner Bros — 1985
    • Wire Train – Between Two Words — CBS — 1985
    • Yello – Oh Yeah 12″ — Mercury — 1985
  • 1986
    • Alphaville – Afternoons in Utopia — Atlantic — 1986
    • Blow Monkeys, The – Animal Magic — RCA — 1986
    • Crowded House – Crowded House — Capitol / EMI — 1986
    • Damned, The – Anything — MCA — 1986
    • Flock of Seagulls, A – The Best of A Flock of Seagulls — Jive — 1986
    • Gabriel, Peter – So — Geffen — 1986
    • Kraftwerk – Electric Cafe — Warner Bros — 1986
    • REM – Life’s Rich Pageant — IRS — 1986
    • Shriekback – Big Night Music — Island — 1986
    • Smithereens, The – Especially For You — Enigma — 1986
    • The The – Infected 12″ — CBS — 1986
    • XTC – Skylarking — Geffen — 1986
  • 1987
    • 10,000 Maniacs – In My Tribe — Elektra / Asylum — 1987
    • Bolshoi, The – Lindy’s Party — RCA — 1987
    • Cabaret Voltaire – Here To Go 12″ Remix — EMI — 1987
    • Cult, The – Electric — Sire — 1987
    • Cure, The – Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me — Elektra / Asylum — 1987
    • Depeche Mode – Music for the Masses — Sire — 1987
    • Ferry, Bryan – Bete Noire — Warner Bros — 1987
    • INXS – Kick — Atlantic — 1987
    • Isaak, Chris – Chris Isaak — Warner Bros — 1987
    • Midnight Oil – Diesel and Dust — Columbia — 1987
    • New Order – Substance — Qwest — 1987
    • Oingo Boingo – Boi-Ngo — MCA — 1987
    • Pop Will Eat Itself – Box Frenzy — Chapter 22 / Rough Trade — 1987
    • REM – Dead Letter Office — IRS — 1987
    • REM – Document — IRS — 1987
    • Replacements, The – Pleased to Meet Me — Sire — 1987
    • Silencers, The – A Letter From St. Paul — BMG — 1987
    • Smiths, The – Louder Than Bombs — Sire — 1987
    • Smiths, The – Strangeways, Here We Come — Sire — 1987
    • Squeeze – Bablylon and On — A&M – — 1987
    • U2 – The Joshua Tree — Warner Bros — 1987
    • Wire Train – Ten Women — CBS — 1987
  • 1988
    • Beatnik Beach – Beatnik Beach — Atlantic — 1988
    • Book of Love – Lullaby — Sire — 1988
    • Chapman, Tracey – Tracey Chapman — Elektra / Asylum — 1988
    • Church, The – Starfish — Arista — 1988
    • Dead Milkmen, The – Beelzebubba — Enigma — 1988
    • Erasure – The Innocents — Sire — 1988
    • Kon Kan – I Beg Your Pardon 12″ — Atlantic — 1988
    • Morrissey – Viva Hate — Sire — 1988
    • Palmer, Robert – Heavy Nova — EMI / Manhattan — 1988
    • REM – Green — Warner Bros — 1988
    • Smithereens, The – Green Thoughts — Enigma/Capitol — 1988
    • Talking Heads – Naked — Sire — 1988
  • 1989
    • Figures on a Beach – You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet 12″ — Sire — 1989
    • Nine Inch Nails – Pretty Hate Machine — TVT — 1989
    • Replacements, The – Don’t Tell a Soul — Sire — 1989

(I do have more records than this, but these are the ones I’m taking responsibility for.)

I’ll (eventually) post a separate list of my audio CDs eventually, and perhaps create a “featurette” page with an inventory of my physical music collection as a whole, organized by artist, especially if I can find one of my old ’80s inventories to fill in the cassette gaps.

Book: Judy Chicago: New Views by the National Museum of Women in the Arts

This is a gorgeous cover, with the intrusive colored smoke encroaching on the title text. Just fantastic!

Judy Chicago: New Views
by the National Museum of Women in the Arts (U.S.)
published by Scala Arts Publishers, Inc., New York

Judy Chicago’s works, especially her drawings and paintings, always appeal to me. She has a sense shading and gradation that is consistent across her materials, and her drawing compositions are just stunning. She is an artist I have always believed should be more famous, and the folks at the National Museum of Women in the Arts agree! They’ve created and published this excellent book.

There is a lot to appreciate about this volume. It includes works that are held privately, and so you are unlikely to have seen them; it includes details of works you may not have appreciated from a polite viewing distance in a museum, especially for her textile works; and the essays and interview are of exceptionally high quality – and are somehow at just the right length to leave you stimulated and wanting more.

I am personally thrilled to see images of her smoke and firework pieces, which had escaped me previously, but which I should see in larger form at the upcoming Judy Chicago retrospective at the San Francisco deYoung Museum, which opens later this month (August 2021).

I appreciate so much about her body of work. I especially appreciate: the consistency of her compositions across materials (from Prismacolor pencil to sprayed paints on different bases); her elegant use of ranges of color; her direct embrace of female imagery and feminist ideas; her compassion for the suffering of others (including animals), which she renders so skillfully across different media; her in depth, multi-year studies of materials (she enrolled in auto body shop classes, boatbuilding classes, and china painting classes) so she could execute her work at a high technical level; and her utilization and embrace of skilled collaborators to help her achieve some of her monumentally sized works.

While her work evolved in clear directions, I was surprised to be so delighted by some of her early paintings on car hoods, which I wouldn’t recognize has hers (based on later work), but which is charming and bold. The shapes she uses are nearly iconic.

This is an excellent book of very high quality by every measure, with a great selection of Chicago’s work, beautifully reproduced, presented in a well-organized fashion alongside thoughtful writing about her direction and commitment to her themes. I’m so glad I bought it, and feel more prepared to enjoy her forthcoming show!

Book: Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil

Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
by Cathy O’Neil
published by Broadway Books (Penguin Random House), New York
2016 (afterward from 2017)

I’ve finally read this clear and well-organized book about the design of data-centric automation tools, and how their potential has been often squandered or misused. We can do so much better!

O’Neil is a math Ph.D. and professor who went into industry and was distressed at how proprietary algorithms are being used in potentially harmful real life situations without thoughtful oversight. The fact that technology is involved at all leads to something like blind faith from the businesses and organizations that apply it. She firmly believes algorithms CAN be used for good, but won’t under current approaches. You can’t have good outcomes if the goal is to make a quick buck, keep the approach secret, and never improve it! These tools are too often used in ways which only reinforce existing inequities.

Her examples are thoughtful and described in depth.

A major flaw in data automation is the use of proxy data, and I was glad to see this called out. How do you measure if someone is a good teacher, if they would be a good employee, if they should receive a good deal on your product, or if they are a risk to the community? Without a single, obvious thing to measure, people make stuff up that is easier to quantify, and then encode their wacky idea into an “objective” measurement that doesn’t really measure the subject at all. The wacky measurement is then obscured as proprietary secrets, and sold as as a product to businesses, who want answers cheaply more than they want accuracy. The less regulated the industry, the wackier some of the data and measurements become.

For example, good teaching is hard to measure, so instead the system may measure a change in test scores… but if the students were already getting all As, there is no improvement possible, so the teacher may be marked down, and not know why. Unscientific personality tests may be used to screen potential employees, or robots may just scan applicant resumes for keywords, without any real indication that those tools result in better employees.

Many of these approaches are NOT ready for real world use, but are used just the same. O’Neil cites the Michigan automated unemployment auditing system that falsely accused thousands of unemployment fraud, which destroyed livelihoods (and marriages), as a great example. That error is still playing out, and will play out in the courts for a long time, per this Detroit Free Press article: Judge: Companies can be sued over Michigan unemployment fraud fiasco by Paul Egan & Adrienne Roberts (March 26, 2021). To quote from the article, “The state has acknowledged that at least 20,000 Michigan residents — and possibly as many as 40,000 — were wrongly accused of fraud between 2013 and 2015 by a $47-million computer system, purchased from FAST, that the state operated without human supervision and with an error rate as high as 93%.” Officials blindly launched this system without human checks, because yaaay, technology?

As someone who keeps being asked by one credit agency about cars I’ve never owned and pet insurance I’ve never purchased, I know that we’ve already automated some data projects badly. O’Neil cites other professional data scientists who have proposed sensible industry standards, and she has additional, more specific suggestions on top of this.

I can hope that the popularity of this book, which was a NYT Bestseller, can push decision makers into making better, more ethical, more fair decisions as a result of her ideas.

Life: An Unstructured Day

Yesterday was my first weekday with no appointments or work in AGES.


I completed some chores in the morning, which gave me a sense of accomplishment, and then fled the fog belt to test some film in sunlight. I wandered! I had lunch at a restaurant! I had a beer! (How long has it been?) I enjoyed an iced matcha drink while sitting in the shade! I RODE A CABLE CAR! (Yes, they are back now, after a very long hiatus.) I took more than 17,000 steps!

Unstructured time without appointments or commitments can be so beautiful.

I have countless obligations, chores, and tasks to complete, but taking a day to enjoy myself was a great thing to do. I’m lucky to have chosen to do this, lucky to live here in the Bay Area (and SF in particular), and so very lucky to be in good enough health to freely wander on foot around San Francisco in my purposeful “spare” time.

Climate Emergency Life: Smoke Forecasts

In easier times, we look at the weather forecasts before going out. With the climate crisis making itself more apparent, now now also check smoke forecasts! Our environmental agencies have modeling just for this, and it is smartphone-friendly.

I regularly use or to know if I need to wear a particulate filtering mask. These services are provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Park Service (NPS), NASA, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and host of local agencies.

In recent days, the smoke coverage in satellite photos has been alarming, and sunlight has had a strangely yellow tinge to it. That’s is caused by high level smoke, but we also need to know if the smoke is close to the ground, because then we have to take precautions for our breathing and overall health. Waiting to smell it isn’t enough – it may come and go, and catch us unprepared.

The National Weather Service delivers on this surface smoke forecasting need!

I recommend following your local National Weather Service office on Twitter. Mine is NWS Bay Area, and they do a fantastic job!