Film: Slow Horses

Slow Horses
published by Apple TV+ (4 seasons so far, ongoing)
2022 – 2024

Slough House is where MI5 agents who have screwed up in spectacular ways get sent to give up on their careers. Under the overtly hostile mismanagement of Jackson Lamb, an unwashed, loudly farting, anti-motivating late career agent, the doomed agents assigned there, nicknamed the Slow Horses, suffer verbal abuse and menial tasks in an old building with too many stairs and a door that needs to be forced open.

While the office houses many failed agents, River Cartwright, a young blond man whose grandfather was a famous head of MI5 in the past, feels especially embittered about his dramatic fall from grace. Like others, he keeps trying to play the hero to redeem his reputation and get back to MI5. Sometimes, his efforts get the ‘Slow Horses’ involved in issues that are deadly and above both their competence level and pay grade.

Lamb was so convincingly off putting in the first episode that I didn’t want to continue, but Taverner (Kristin Scott Thomas) as the MI5 heavy who is always ready to send government assassins out to prevent embarrassment, plus the entertaining screw-up agents kept me engaged until the pace abruptly picked up and became high stakes and intense – then I didn’t want to stop watching.

This series involves: creepy bad guys, creepy good guys, assassins, political intrigue, old vendettas, hard liquor, office flirting, AA meetings, car chases, fellow agents coming for you with guns, people trying to be the hero, River running (I mean the character), slimy politicians, and a constant flow of insults. There is cast turnover – the show isn’t afraid to kill off Slow Horses or MI5 agents routinely and unexpectedly, and shows the surviving colleagues coping with that. And Lamb, whose sole redeeming quality is loyalty to his agents, is so unwashed you can nearly smell him through the screen.

I’m not ‘into tv’ and I watched ALL FOUR SEASONS that are available so far! I recommend it if you like: well-paced spy thrillers.

Manhwa: Taming the Marquess by Ire, KRFFR, and gol_G

Webtoon phone cover for Taming the Marquess

Taming the Marquess
by Ire, KRFFR, and gol_G
published by Webtoon (3 seasons, 92 chapters plus epilogues – complete)
2022 – 2024

Laranora Ador, the only daughter of an unfashionable family of blacksmith-merchant-nobles, decides to disrupt an auction where a young child is being sold. After wreaking havoc, she takes the strange little boy she rescued home. Unbeknownst to her, this child is a magically disguised man there to disrupt the sale from the inside and go on a lawful murder spree… but he can’t resist milk, cookies, and coddling once he realizes that his rescuer isn’t some kind of creep. Rather than revealing himself as a notorious mage known for MASS MURDERING AN ENTIRE KINGDOM, Eskal plays along – for months. And, instead of doing any mass murdering, he appears to die while saving dear Laranora and her household from an attack by a rival kingdom while they are unconscious.

A year later, when things aren’t looking great for the Ador family, a still-traumatized Laranora decides she must marry well to save her family’s political fortunes, and somehow winds up dealing with the mysterious & terrifying murder mage – a grown man who looks JUST LIKE Eskal, and also happens to be named Eskal. What are the odds?

This comic features: women who like to hammer, sibling rivalries, blue fire, magic-eating butterflies, an ominous child, dwarves in mountains, greedy emperors who like to murder families, auctions, dragons, curses, deadly side effects from using too much magic, fashion fads in armor, knights who complain about having to work, secrets, zealous heteronormativity, men with long hair getting framed in a manner that leads to multi-generational-hatred, and swords that WON’T STOP TALKING.

Consistent with this type of comic, both Laranora and Eskal have histories of trauma, which are obstacles to their relationship(s). Despite it all, things work out for them in the traditionally conservative, heteronormative way typical of these manhwa stories. (That’s not a spoiler for these comics – even the “mature” stories that center sex result in marriage and kids!)

Recommended if you like: relentlessly optimistic heroines who are good with hammers, talking swords, and murderous blondes with teal eyes. (You can parse this sentence in more than one way and the meanings all apply.)

Life: Three Day Weekend

Long weekends are a TREAT.

I managed to stay home ALL THREE DAYS of this particular weekend, though I had friends over, so it was still social. (I APPRECIATE my friends, and realized this week that I have friends who consistently INTERACT WITH ME INSTEAD OF THEIR PHONES. How great is that?)

I have many interests and too little time to pursue them, so holiday weekends can give me stress to DO IT ALL. I have so many projects waiting – film to scan, drawings to complete, letters to write, websites to update – but, having a restful day is also important. Accepting that… is a challenge. Yet, I was able to enjoy minimal chores, fun friends, my new oil pastels, a long Korean comic, and generally moved slowly to better recover from what ailed me more than a week ago and left me with lingering symptoms. So, I know REST is POSSIBLE.

Hooray for slowing down!

Life: Illness of the Moment

I’ve been quiet here because I’ve been seriously sick. I’ve gone through a pile of COVID tests since feeling abruptly VERY WRONG Monday evening, and the results are consistently negative, but had the same debilitating headache, and slept fourteen hours the first day without feeling RESTED. It took more than 48 hours in bed to even be minimally functional around the house. It is exhausting, whatever it is.

Bird flu has been detected in my city, and I’ve been sending jokes to my friends that I stopped hugging seagulls WEEKS ago. (The gulls seem more emotionally distant now…) I don’t know what this illness is, why it makes my ears crackle so often, why my lymph nodes in my neck hurt, why I’ve been so dizzy… I’m only at 75-80% of normal, and am in a hurry to fully recover by the time I return to work Monday. (Though that’s sad – wouldn’t it be better to recover TODAY and enjoy my weekend with more energy?)

I’ve only recently (Friday?) been able to focus enough to read recreationally, so it may be a while before I write up any more book reviews. I have some new manhwa going, but spent my low-energy evenings watching Slow Horses, so I’ll write up a recommendation for that soon.

Happy (?) New Year

I hope your year is off to a good start. There’s a lot to do in 2025 (trying to keep human civilization operating despite ourselves, etc.), so I hope you were able to get some rest over the December holidays, and can start the new year ready to handle whatever comes our way.

Here in California, we’ve had more than one earthquake here in SF and very difficult wildfires in SoCal, so that’s… something we are coping with.

Best wishes to you and all living beings, wherever you are.

Film: Black Doves

Black Doves
Netflix (6 episodes, 1 season (so far))

This is a delightfully cast, fast-paced, violent spy thriller set in London. Opening with the executions of three people, we soon learn that Helen, the defense minister’s wife, lost her lover in this oddly connected set of murders. Helen is a very deep-cover (married to and has kids with her target) professional spy, and her need to know who killed her lover may involve her in something more dangerous than her own situation. Her former trainer, dear friend, and professional assassin with relationship problems, Sam, is tasked with keeping her safe and helping sort things out.

Handsome secret lovers (Andrew Koji smolders), female pairs of triggermen (“the term is gender neutral,” Sam explains), underworld thugs, unpaid debts, codes of honor, deadly meals in Chinese restaurants with good neon, a very pregnant woman executing a man in the street, gay architects with fabulous apartments, roommates bickering about tidying up and misplacing the rocket launcher – this held my attention, made me laugh out loud, and entertained me thoroughly. I enthusiastically recommend it if you enjoy violent yet humorous spy thrillers.

Art: Thoughts on Photographs

I wrote to my cousin about the fabulous Amy Sherald painting show at SFMoMA, and sent along the little collage of favorite impressions (link to my phone photo blog, above).

He wrote back, “!!! It’s like we viewed two different exhibits!?”

This raises a point I’ve failed to explain to friends. I’ll try to explain it here:

There is what things look like. This is often what we are trying to discover. Photography can capture this in great detail, and this is considered one of photography’s great strengths.

There is what things look like photographed, which is different than just how they look in real life. Yes, photos are representative, but a 1/1000th of a second image of you is just what you looked like during that fraction of a second – there is much that photo doesn’t capture. Depending on the weather, the season, the time of day, the tools you are using to take photograph, the resulting image is unlikely to match what you would see in person. It could be some tint of the sky, it could be film that records in black and white, it could be some other modification to color (through filters / film sensitivity / sensor range), or the fact that the image is recorded in a wavelength of light you can’t see naturally, and so on. This is also different than how something feels, or how it looks when it is moving.

There is what things look like photographed by specific artists. Artists are collecting and editing, which is an active intervention, active selection of timing / angle / light. Even documentary photography reveals the specific concerns of an artist, and carries their style and approach. (Berenice Abbott influences much of my thinking on this.)

And within that last category is of the subject: what the artist chooses to photograph. It’s not that my cousin didn’t go to this show: it’s that he didn’t look at the art the same way I looked at it. And by viewing my collage, he sees what I thought was important. He can see directly through my photos what was most interesting TO ME.

Do you see what I’m getting at?

Perhaps your first visit to a new place doesn’t provide the best example, because you might just photograph everything that feels different from home, and that might not reflect your longer term interests. What interests you on a second or third visit might be quite different. And that’s what I want to see. You might achieve this on a first visit, if you are looking at the world with your own priorities in mind.

Yes, social media is training people to only photograph themselves with the location being secondary. I get it. That’s fine, but once those obligatory images are out of the way, barring the need for proof of an alibi for a crime, you can show show me what really interested you beyond backdrops.

So, yes: my cousin and I went to the same show, and came away with very different impressions. And now he understands my view. He’s at another show, and when I see photos from that, photos which will NOT be a catalog of the show but rather pieces that interested him the most, I’ll understand even more deeply what he likes.

Photography can deliver this type of insights into specific, individual preferences, if we choose to let it.

Words in Ink: Diamine Forest Gateau

Deep red Diamine 'Forest Gateau" ink with the following text: eating / a fresh pomegranate / the deepest red / on my fingers / and face / sweetness / and the slightest / bitterness / on my lips. Original text by A.E. Graves.
Such a pleasant shade of red… This is Diamine Inkvent 2024 Black Edition “Forest Gateau” (4/25) a sweetly scented ink.

I bought the Diamine Inkvent Black Edition for 2024, an advent calendar in which each little window contains a bottle of ink. Each year Diamine invents new colors, releases them this way, and then produces full-sized glass bottles later. This is my second year of purchasing the set. Prior years were impressive and produced two of my favorite sheening inks (Polar Glow and Holly), and so the series has high expectations to live up to.

This year’s set is influenced by the popularity of very muted colors (mostly coming from Asia – muted pastel grays and browns especially), colorful particulate glittering inks, plus a few sheening inks.

Other Diamine fans posted ink swatches and art daily to show off the inks, but long working hours and my desire not to just be another form of advertiser meant I took time to write letters and journal entries with the inks and get accustomed to my favorites. I also finally accepted that my phone mutes the colors too much, and scanning is really the only reliable way to go. I’ll post small writing samples of these inks, and others of many brands in my ink collection, over time.

Life: Trying to Slow Down

What I want to do: write long letters by hand with fancy inks, and perhaps show off some of those inks.

What my writing arm wants me to do: NONE OF THAT.

This post brought to you by: ice (the frozen water) and Biofreeze, which are glorious relief for swelling when combined! Thank you, physical therapist, for introducing this combination to me!

I had to stay home for an in-person delivery today AND the weather is flat and gray. These two conditions moderated my impulses to run around frantically, trying to achieve a year’s worth of projects in a brief holiday break. But I still feel like a firefighter who should be firefighting? There’s plenty of that waiting for me at work when I return next week, but… but… Downshifting is easier when I’m traveling, as there are only travel-related things I can do.

This is something a bubble bath can fix, I think…