Long weekends are a TREAT.
I managed to stay home ALL THREE DAYS of this particular weekend, though I had friends over, so it was still social. (I APPRECIATE my friends, and realized this week that I have friends who consistently INTERACT WITH ME INSTEAD OF THEIR PHONES. How great is that?)
I have many interests and too little time to pursue them, so holiday weekends can give me stress to DO IT ALL. I have so many projects waiting – film to scan, drawings to complete, letters to write, websites to update – but, having a restful day is also important. Accepting that… is a challenge. Yet, I was able to enjoy minimal chores, fun friends, my new oil pastels, a long Korean comic, and generally moved slowly to better recover from what ailed me more than a week ago and left me with lingering symptoms. So, I know REST is POSSIBLE.
Hooray for slowing down!