Art: Thoughts on Photographs

I wrote to my cousin about the fabulous Amy Sherald painting show at SFMoMA, and sent along the little collage of favorite impressions (link to my phone photo blog, above).

He wrote back, “!!! It’s like we viewed two different exhibits!?”

This raises a point I’ve failed to explain to friends. I’ll try to explain it here:

There is what things look like. This is often what we are trying to discover. Photography can capture this in great detail, and this is considered one of photography’s great strengths.

There is what things look like photographed, which is different than just how they look in real life. Yes, photos are representative, but a 1/1000th of a second image of you is just what you looked like during that fraction of a second – there is much that photo doesn’t capture. Depending on the weather, the season, the time of day, the tools you are using to take photograph, the resulting image is unlikely to match what you would see in person. It could be some tint of the sky, it could be film that records in black and white, it could be some other modification to color (through filters / film sensitivity / sensor range), or the fact that the image is recorded in a wavelength of light you can’t see naturally, and so on. This is also different than how something feels, or how it looks when it is moving.

There is what things look like photographed by specific artists. Artists are collecting and editing, which is an active intervention, active selection of timing / angle / light. Even documentary photography reveals the specific concerns of an artist, and carries their style and approach. (Berenice Abbott influences much of my thinking on this.)

And within that last category is of the subject: what the artist chooses to photograph. It’s not that my cousin didn’t go to this show: it’s that he didn’t look at the art the same way I looked at it. And by viewing my collage, he sees what I thought was important. He can see directly through my photos what was most interesting TO ME.

Do you see what I’m getting at?

Perhaps your first visit to a new place doesn’t provide the best example, because you might just photograph everything that feels different from home, and that might not reflect your longer term interests. What interests you on a second or third visit might be quite different. And that’s what I want to see. You might achieve this on a first visit, if you are looking at the world with your own priorities in mind.

Yes, social media is training people to only photograph themselves with the location being secondary. I get it. That’s fine, but once those obligatory images are out of the way, barring the need for proof of an alibi for a crime, you can show show me what really interested you beyond backdrops.

So, yes: my cousin and I went to the same show, and came away with very different impressions. And now he understands my view. He’s at another show, and when I see photos from that, photos which will NOT be a catalog of the show but rather pieces that interested him the most, I’ll understand even more deeply what he likes.

Photography can deliver this type of insights into specific, individual preferences, if we choose to let it.

Life: Time for Drawing Abstracts

Right hand page of an indigo painted handmade paper journal with silver and white curved lines rising toward the right edge
Heavily sized indigo-painted paper is a nice base for white and silver acrylic inks from graffiti markers.

In addition to enjoying the remaining vast amount of food I prepared for guests, plus a nap I went down so hard for that I should have left a crater, I made time to DRAW LINES ON PAPER. It is so satisfying, it’s hard for me not to float away from the keyboard.

My fingers are covered with ink, and I’m relaxed and happy. [Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.]

Art: Iridescent Inflatable Fun

The whole ‘tornado warning’ puts a damper on this, but this is the last weekend of Let’s Glow SF, and a new thing I especially enjoyed at this light projection festival is the inflatable sculpture by Studio DAAO, shown above.

If you happen to be around and the weather lets up, it is worth visiting!

Writing: Postscript to Fountain Pens (Chemical Rainbow Theme)

I want to show off the silvery sheen of this ink a little more, from when I wrote another letter earlier this morning:

Three image collage of writing with Monteverde Lightning ink in black.  A silver sheen is plainly visible in the writing samples.
The sheen is more visible in this example: there are silver particles dispersed throughout each letter. (The stationery is from a recent business trip to Chicago. You can see four photos from inside this hotel on my phone photo blog here.)

The letter (in German) is about ordinary moments of joy: laughing with friends, enjoying the quiet of a Sunday morning, drinking fancy espresso drinks with my commute girlfriends…

I note that I enjoy such ordinary moments while I travel also, and that a favorite moment from a trip to Japan was appreciating a lovingly drawn carrot with luxuriant greens. Someone spent real time on drawing and painting it in their sketchbook (not as a final wall painting to impress others, but just a lightly colored sketch in their own sketchbook for themselves). It was made with such affectionate attention that I remain moved by the memory of it to this day. Anyone who chooses to invest hours in drawing the little lateral dimples and soft irregular greens of a fresh carrot is living life deeply in the present moment, and I can learn from that.

I like this ink, and if I let the pen sit for a bit, I can also achieve ombre effects over a page, as my writing gradually turns from black to silver. That’s nice.

Book: Painting The Void: How Art Transformed the San Francisco Bay Area During a Global Pandemic by Paint The Void

Painting the Void Book Cover

Painting The Void: How Art Transformed the San Francisco Bay Area During a Global Pandemic
by Paint The Void & Broke But Grand LLC dba BUILDING 180
published by Paint the Void

Once the safety precautions were loosened and we could wander around outside, we were faced with countless boarded up buildings, a sense of emptiness, and finally – art and color.

This is a lovely photo book depicting the art organization that stepped in to brighten SF’s closed businesses with large scale art, and the many local artists who stepped up to the challenge and created bright, hopeful murals throughout the City.

Delighted by the murals as I reoriented myself to the City on foot, I ordered this book ages ago, and am delighted that it was finally released and shipped to me this year! It includes essays on the effort, discussions of how it was received, experiences the artists had as people interacted with them as they worked, adjustments the organizers made to include artists who hadn’t previously worked on murals, and more.

If you’d like a sense of the murals it includes, you can enjoy the Paint The Void mural gallery below:

Great book, great project, highly recommended especially for local public art and mural fans.

Life: I know you!

The streetcar that I almost-finished the watercolor study of passed me Monday evening, and I was all, “HEY!”

I felt rather… proprietary towards it. Friendly, but also with a sense of ownership.

Life: Managing Fear of (Watercolor) Failure

I sat down on the national holiday and made a little sketch to paint, and while it was harder than it should have been, it also wasn’t the end of the world. It isn’t finished – I need it to dry to glaze some sections that aren’t well defined – but it is recognizably the right general [vague hand-waving gesture] shape.

I could say this reminds me of going from being a swimming instructor with superb form to feeling like a brick dragging itself through the water with weak arms after many years of not swimming laps regularly. (A thing that happened to me.) But the difference is: I was actually good at swimming. (I practiced for years every summer weekday as a student, and kept practicing as a swimming teacher, so there was a least a decade of intensive swimming there, including recreational racing with others.). When I lost that ease in the water, I felt… wrong. Like I’d forgotten something important, and had ‘let myself go’ in a way that made me sad.

However, I was always a beginner-level painter, so I can’t pretend to be crushed at still being one now. I took up watercolor with enthusiasm back in college, but took too many classes, and had no time to play. Painting lost out in favor of manual drafting (a skill I was rewarded for as both a student and professional). (OMG, I am so old!) Watercolor back then was something great for “renderings,” which were hand-painted, intentionally pretty illustrations of what a building would look like in the future, to help clients visualize their project in flattering ways. Being a renderer was a professional speciality people paid extra for. Now that’s all done digitally, which means design projects by others made during my youth are going to wind up in museums, and people will be so impressed that people could once make such images without computers…

Ah, well. There are some watercolor projects I’d like to try, and yesterday’s sketch suggests I can chip away at my fears and work on them.

Some of my watercolor project ideas are mere fantasies: much like cafes with big windows and views of gardens, the IDEA of painting is a fantasy of leisure. Imagine, having time to paint! Imagine, painting often enough to be good at it! Imagine having time to drink good coffee and practice! I know what I’m like: I work too much, I see what these ideas of quiet painting time offer, and I understand why these projects are such a draw, even if my actual results are so basic.

Once I overcome my dread of being bad, painting allows me to enjoy the process of painting. The results are less important than the experience, in some ways. If the experience is pleasant, I will try again. Even if the results aren’t great, I am still able to sit still for a while and put paint on paper for a few hours, which is a joy.

Life: Watercolor paint (and fear of failure)

The last time I made a small watercolor painting, it turned out badly. Like the normal, totally well-adjusted person I am, I decided it turned out badly because I am a terrible painter, no matter how many decent paintings I produced in the past, and so I avoided watercolor painting for several years.

Most of this was based on a misunderstanding.

Back when I was a starving architecture school student, I could only buy small amounts of paint at a time. A tube of transparent watercolor here, another tube there, a lot of skilled mixing, and I could get by. I experimented and made some decent paintings with my mismatched tiny tubes, and I was happy.

My first FULL boxed set of watercolors YEARS later was Holbein’s Iródori Antique Watercolors. I had been a regular user of Holbein’s regular watercolors (they released colors that matched the landscape of my trips to Japan SO PERFECTLY!). I liked colors in traditional paintings, so I thought this was the right choice for me. Yet, my paintings with these colors all… lacked something. I blamed myself, put them away, and moved onto other things (including watercolor pencils, and a travel set of a different brand of watercolors, which I worked more effectively with). Years passed, I brought the set out again, painted a rather muddy painting of a Japanese scene form one of my own photos, blamed myself, and put them away again. I was already so familiar with Holbein, I couldn’t figure out why I’d become so RUSTY.

YouTube sorted me out. An artist with a shop called Hino Art Materials in Vietnam reviewed Holbein’s new sets of Iródori GOUACHE. Yes, Holbein re-relased the colors as OPAQUE watercolors, to giddiness from YouTube. She recommended not mixing these paints (they are very saturated, and muddy easily) and showed off a lovely gouache painting on a dark blue background. She showed off that some colors have been reformulated, but not all of them. Perhaps my existing set, even before this re-release, could be used like opaque paints?

So today, a precious day off work, I broke out BLACK WATERCOLOR PAPER (a thing that wasn’t available when I first purchased these paints so long ago) and white watercolor paper, and tested the paint out.

Two sheets of watercolor paper, one black, one white, with circles of Holbein Irodori watercolors painted upon them to show saturation and opacity.
Casual testing of Holbein Irodori Antique Watercolor on Clairefontaine mixed media black and Arches hot press white papers.

Oh, YES. So many of these colors are HIGHLY OPAQUE and look great on black paper. The great colors and saturation on white watercolor paper had fooled me! If only I’d had more experience with gouache when I purchased these, I could have put these to better use, and stuck to transparent colors for those other projects. Now that I understand their opacity, I can use them like gouache (and mix them with opaque white as needed when they need an opacity boost), and perhaps resist buying those French and German gouaches a bit longer… And actually get to enjoy these without fear of failure built in.

(Oh, that Antique Bronze Blue in particular is the color of the sky hours after sunset… I could USE that…)

Art: Monotype Printing

Collage of three silver-green abstract monotype prints on black paper, suggesting sea monsters, lichen, or antlers, by A.E. Graves

Yes, I celebrated having time off my playing with paint, and it was deeply satisfying.

I learn so much every time.

Also, I have an amazing collection of strange shapes I’ve cut by hand based on my own designs, which are covered with layers of paint, and which look great when compiled into albums, so I have fun with the materials beyond the experimental prints.

Book: The Neri Oxman Material Ecology Catalogue, edited by Emily Hall and Jennifer Liese

The Neri Oxman Material Ecology Catalogue
edited by Emily Hall and Jennifer Liese
published by The Museum of Modern Art, NY (MoMA)

Art exhibitions are a special sort of book, and I was excited to obtain this one after having missed the exhibit at MoMA (because: COVID).

The curator’s essay notes that architecture has its movements and manifestos, and that Speculative Critical Design, which could include Oxman and her lab’s practice, “has featured earnest but inconsequential exercises and clichéd storytelling,” which could honestly be a summary of nearly every architectural movement/manifesto (I could stop the sentence here) that hasn’t delivered a robust body of work. Oxman’s written philosophical content can provide insights, but appears intended to produce a shell of theory for the practical purposes of funding an experimental practice. You can gloss over it, admire the design of the catalog itself (modeled in tribute to Stuart Brand’s Whole Earth Catalog), and then look at the interesting experiments and models that Oxman and her teams have produced.

Oxman produces attractive art objects that show off the potential of experimental, available natural materials. To utilize these materials, different fabrication methods involving both showy robots and insects are attractively documented, so that the processes behind the forming of materials is clear.

There is a tiny caption in an image “the shellfish industry produces more than 1 million tons of chitin-based waste per year,” and suddenly the context of the many forms and pieces involving chitin is clear. We have abundant supplies of materials that are the byproduct of other industries, which could offer opportunities to escape our petroleum and plastic-based problems.

The emphases on responsible material use, experimental manufacturing, and artistically documented processes interest and please me. Displays of models and experiments charm me (in a way similar to Studio Olafur Eliasson’s geometric model shop), though these models often have forms suggesting industrious insects made them, or perhaps volcanic springs formed them over time – and I mean that as a compliment. There are a few pieces that aren’t as tightly conceptualized to appeal to me (the death masks, for example), but the results are attractive, and they aren’t here to please me alone, so I won’t complain.

This is an attractive, well-designed catalog that shows off intelligent and attractive materials engineering experiments. I appreciate Oxman’s innovative work and overall practice, which is very STEAMY (in the putting the Art back into STEM way).