Life: Returning Home to the Smell of Coffee

I remain amazed that my new pour-over-imitation-chemex device makes such a pleasant cup of Sulawesi-Kalosi (Peet’s). It doesn’t beat Yosemite Dos Sierras, but I enjoy it still.

It makes my house smell so nice. Especially after being out in the rain while running errands. Warmth and coffee. Ahhhh.


My errands included making the person at the hardware store laugh as she was ringing me up. She burst out unexpectedly while ringing me up with, “HAHAHA! You’re tall!” (I brought something to the counter that hangs from a very high hook, and she was impressed that I was able to get it on my own.) Reaching stuff FTW!

Other accomplishments today include sleeping 11 hours (I am/was a wreck), depositing a check I was sure I would never receive (a cleaning deposit from a place I lived a full year ago), cancelling a video streaming subscription, and signing up for a new audio streaming service!

My next task: writing to my European friends and explaining the current state of affairs from my point of view. What? No, I can’t just send the poop emoji, but thanks for the suggestion.


iPhone screenshot from 5:52 AM on Saturday, December 14th with the text of a National Weather Service TORNADO WARNING: "Emergecy Alert: National Weather Service: TORNADO WARNING in this area until 6:15 AM PST.  Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building.  If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shter and protect yourself from flying debris.  Check media."
What Fresh Hell Is THIS?

My friends were texting. It is a rainy December Saturday after 5 AM, with lots of storm sounds, and they were commenting on the gusty winds. One of them shared a screen grab of a warning that a very intense weather front was coming in, filled with lightning and movement…

And then the phone SHRIEKED. Because a rain-wrapped pillar of swirling air was coming toward land in Daly City (the city just south of San Francisco).

Spoiler: the tornado danger passed, it was okay, I got live texts from the friend who had shared the warning as he sheltered in a basement, the local emergency alert service eventually also decided that, being late to the show, they should at least tell us it was over.

I had plans today, on the basis that a little rain isn’t a big deal, and I could still run errands. I am… rethinking all of those plans. I can surely… appreciate the INDOORS today.

Coffee: Yes, hot please. No, just the drink.

view from above of a Blue Bottle black cardamom almond milk latte on a red picnic bench
Mmmmmmm. It turns out that, even in hot weather, I want my espresso drinks hot. There are exceptions. (Lavender lattes are pretty pleasant iced…)

Other parts of the country are setting records for high numbers of consecutive days with temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, but here in SF, where people like me were raised under a friendly, fluffy blanket of fog, the health and safety warnings warn us about temperatures over 90.

Screenshot of NWS heat warning for San Francisco on October 5, 2024
I feel seen.

I stepped out of my house briefly this morning, only to discover that it is at least 8 degrees warmer out there, likely in the high 70s! I’ll be hiding from the sun all day, if I can help it.

This is the rare type of week where people who are allowed to work remotely go into the office – because offices have AIR CONDITIONING. (Finally, a good reason!)

Life: Peeking Outside the Fog Belt

While I grew up on the sunny side of San Francisco, I currently live near the edge of the fog belt. I love fog, but not every day – I like variety.

When the fog belt limits visibility, I often believe that it is foggy EVERYWHERE, but sunny weather may be just a streetcar ride away! As a lighting-obsessed photographer, always interested in which buildings and other features are lit from which direction, I began to rely on live webcams back in 2004 to tell me if the fog belt has an edge.

The fancy webcam I currently use and recommend is at the Exploratorium (, now located at Pier 15 along the Embarcadero. (Embarcadero = the pier(s) in Spanish.) It looks eastward from the pier, toward the east bay and our Bay Bridge, day and night. It not only provides a view, but also weather station and other monitoring equipment measuring the wind, any rain (we wish), water depth, salinity, and other cool data. This screenshot gives you a preview of what I mean:

It’s not looking good for the sunlit scenes I was hoping to capture today…

At the moment, I can see that it was too optimistic of me to take film out of the refrigerator before I even had breakfast this morning, but at least I know now, rather than after I’ve geared up and headed out.

The link for your enjoyment is here:

Yes, there is a Wikipedia page devoted to June Gloom, which also names “May Gray,” “No-Sky July,” and “Fogust” as some of our regional nicknames for these anti-postcard weather patterns, if you need to sound like a local over your artisanal, locally roasted cup of coffee.

Life: Rain comes to Northern California

A Friday night screen grab of the rain radar (raindar?) of Wunderground. You can find current animated maps using Wunderground’s Sacramento NEXRAD Station DAX page.


A rainstorm arrived late Friday, and it is such a RELIEF. We’ve gone from a red flag fire warning last weekend (yes, in December) to WATER FALLING FROM THE SKY!

We are under a coastal flooding advisory, but it is still wonderful. Water!! WATER!!!

We are unaccustomed to the sound. It’s been that long.