Is this just a really good year for new stamp designs? These look great! They will be available June 20, 2024.
Collecting/Mail: Carnival Nights Stamps coming from USPS
I’m a big fan of night photography (which used to be much more complicated back in analog days), so I’m looking forward to these colorful and festive stamps. They’ll be available June 6, 2024.
Collecting/Mail Life: Ansel Adams Stamps are Available from USPS
Design / Stamps: USPS Day of the Dead

I’m using these on my mail now, often in combination with other stamps for my overseas pen friends.
Day of the Dead has long been popular as a cultural celebration here, and it’s nice to see a stamp for this holiday. The USPS shop link is here while the stamp is available.
Stamps: Emilio Sanchez art postage stamps

Maybe it’s because I enjoyed the exercises in architecture school in which we drafted shadows on objects (that was a good year….), but I really like the bold clarity of Emilio Sanchez’ paintings in the form of US Postal Service Stamps.
The paintings read well at stamp size (and the stamps are generously sized, which I appreciate!), and are even better at oversized postcard size. The oversized postcards are printed on surprisingly sturdy card stock – I feel confident they’ll travel well, even to my international pen friends. The colors are great – rich and deep – with a matte finish.
Sanchez’s work is a great choice for postal products, and I’m sure the recipients of my mail will enjoy and appreciate these cards and stamps.
Design: New USPS Raven Story Stamp Available

Mine just arrived, and they are GORGEOUS! I hadn’t realized that the stars and discs in the design are rendered in metallic gold.
News release here. USPS product link here (while available). I’m also providing an embedded visual link to Wikipedia’s entry on Formline Art, which I find very graphically satisfying!
Stamps: Sun Science

The US Postal Service has released images of the sun in different wavelengths of light, which you can buy online or at your local post office. They are SUPERB.
(You were expecting me to write about the Star Wars Droid stamps, but I won’t indulge you. Ha!)
Art: US Postal Service Innovation Stamps have Holographic Foil Text!

These were released this month and are now available here at
Twitter: USPS Support
There are many graphics in support of the US Postal Service. I especially like this one.
ProtectTheUSPS #ProtectThePostOffice #SaveThePostOffice #SaveTheUSPS
(Yes, she is wearing a mask, which is a nice touch. Yes, I’m a geek. Yes, you already knew that.)