Coffee: Mmmmmmm

Collage of colorfully filtered images of a latte with a heart on the foam and black cardamom sprinkles

I’m still drinking the Black Cardamom Latte at Blue Bottle as my treat when I am running early on the way to work. it is delicious, plus two women I commute with are often there at the same time, so we can chat as we wake up. So pleasant…

Coffee: Verve Coffee Roasters & Cafe

Three image collage: interior of Verve coffee, plus two latte foam images
Bright space, friendly people, strong espresso.

I finally went into Verve at Church and Market, and enjoyed a superb almond milk latte.

The space is nice; other customers are relaxed; the air is redolent of coffee roasting smells… It is cozy and pleasant. My latte was less sweet than I expected, but also just right.

The company has several locations in Los Angeles, but have been in this sweet SF spot since 2017. This location is often PACKED (because of its pleasantness), so I felt lucky to relax there yesterday morning.