My friends were texting. It is a rainy December Saturday after 5 AM, with lots of storm sounds, and they were commenting on the gusty winds. One of them shared a screen grab of a warning that a very intense weather front was coming in, filled with lightning and movement…
And then the phone SHRIEKED. Because a rain-wrapped pillar of swirling air was coming toward land in Daly City (the city just south of San Francisco).
Spoiler: the tornado danger passed, it was okay, I got live texts from the friend who had shared the warning as he sheltered in a basement, the local emergency alert service eventually also decided that, being late to the show, they should at least tell us it was over.
I had plans today, on the basis that a little rain isn’t a big deal, and I could still run errands. I am… rethinking all of those plans. I can surely… appreciate the INDOORS today.