Book: Creepy Cat Volume 1 by Cotton Valent

Creepy Cat volume 1
by Cotton Valent
published by Star Seas Company and Kodansha

Cover art for Creepy Cat Volume 1 by Cotton Valent

This is an adorable, gothic visual comic collection about a lovely goth girl named Flora who inherits a mansion inhabited by a “cat.”

This”cat” defies the laws of physics, consumes people, levitates, stretches endlessly into room-filling forms, periodically swallows Flora…

Creepy Cat is both adorable and… a monster of some undetermined kind. But it is so… fluffy! (Life lesson: you can get away with a lot if you are fluffy.)

The stories are brief, a few panels or pages long, and are stylishly adorable. The tone is great; Flora is charming; Creepy Cat lives up to its name. Flora is sometimes in danger, and it appears Creepy Cat may periodically eat or harm Flora, but doesn’t necessarily like when anyone else does that. (Yay for possessiveness?)

There is an adorable brief comic at the end in which Valent tells the story of how this comic came to be.

This is a lovely, consistent, stylish, attractive work. And there are more volumes out there, which is good news.

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