Film: The Creator

The Creator
published by 20th Century Fox

This science fiction film is stunningly beautiful.

The story takes place in a future where robots, synthetic people, and artificial intelligence HAD become part of modern life, until a disaster attributed to artificial intelligence occurred in the U.S. As the U.S. turned against its technology, Asia continued to use it, and this leads to overwhelming U.S. military aggression in pro-technology Asia.

The story centers on the experiences of Joshua, an American soldier who infiltrated a pro-AI group in southeast Asia. While on assignment, he falls in love with Maya, a medical scientist who had helped him with this prosthetics, then loses her due to U.S. military action. As he mourns her, he is called back into action after someone who resembles her is recorded, giving him hope and his own personal mission as he attempts to locate a new AI super weapon.

This film was directed by the Rogue One director, and all the things I loved about the use of locations and landscapes in that film is vastly expanded in scenes that vary from science fiction military bases to tropical beaches and riverside refugee towns. The vastness of U.S. military equipment, the culture of them-versus-us, the determination of Colonel Howell who wishes to get the mission done and avenge her sons… The pace is fast. Flashbacks are used effectively to explain Joshua’s motivations. The focus on the super weapon and Joshua’s private mission keep the action focused. It is intense, high-stakes, persuasively acted, and the world and its technologies are compellingly designed.

It is gorgeous. I purchased it as soon as it was available, and have enjoyed watching this film several times. (I also blame it for putting Dream On by Aerosmith onto my playlist.). I highly recommend The Creator for sci-fi fans.

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