I wanted to see an old Idris Elba music video (Boasty), and my search unearthed an entire, hour-long, video-friendly, socially-distanced DJ set from Amsterdam in August.
It’s quite enjoyable! Very danceable (it got me off the couch and on my feet). Good variety of beats. Nice digital screen show impersonating an analog screen show. Restrained use of drone video of the landmark tower hosting the shoot and a bit of the harbor; having the sun set behind Elba gave a nice sense of time passing (especially for those of us who have been indoors too much, and haven’t seen the sky due to smoke!). Skilled use of camera angle/distance variety to capture Elba’s enthusiasm up close during this socially distanced party (which appears to consist of the film crew, remote-controlled cameras on tripods, and Elba).
This is a very effective example of how to provide a club-like feel without a crowd that has visual appeal, but without the overpriced drinks or uncomfortable shoes.