Language Study: Persistent, yet also lazy

collage of three Duolingo graphics indicating a 2,025 day lesson streak

Yes, I’ve been studying for TWO THOUSAND TWENTY FIVE DAYS.

Yes, I am now doing this as lazily as possible: I’m in one of the lower-achievement leagues. And I’m comfy there.

My katakana (Japanese alphabet for foreign words) is slowly improving… But I’m studying so slowly that I’m forgetting kanji (more complex characters representing entire words) that I learned a year ago. (Ooops.)

Coffee: Mmmm.

So good. (And so dark!)

hourglass (chemex) style coffee maker brewing dark coffee

(I would ramble about which particular beans these are, but I had put them in an unlabeled jar, and no longer recall. My best guess is Ethiopian Fancy from Peet’s: the flavor profile is about right.)

Holidays, AI, and Candy Hearts

The Valentine’s Day holiday, which I do not take seriously, has often provided entertainment value. (What was that? Oh, yes, I was ‘married’ for a VERY long time. But also no: I believe in love, just not as a reason to sell pink things.)

My favorite piece of entertainment with this holiday theme is Janelle Shane’s 2018 comedic adventure in attempting to train a neural network to make candy heart statements.

Many of these are… remarkable, and unlikely to have a positive effect on your beloved unless they have a unique sense of humor.

I think my favorite in the harmless category is:

Pale violet candy heart with "You Are Bag" written on it.

Dr. Shane also provides a link to the candy heart image generator (, which is useful for my types of niche purposes. 🙂

Book (Manga): The Summer Hikaru Died, Chapters 32 – 33

The Summer Hikaru Died, Chapters 32 – 33
by Mokumokuren
published in English by Yen Press
2024 – 2025 (ongoing)

Covers for The Summer Hikaru Died, Subchapters 32-1 (red border; black and white image of a man standing in a traditional Japanese doorway), 32-2 (Purple border, three people sitting in a shaded room in front of an open window), and 32-3 (blue border, Hikaru smiling in front of an open window).

These volumes are building tension VERY SUCCESSFULLY.

Not only is the fabric of reality pocked with holes through which misfortunes arrive in the human world and boys’ home region, but their friend Maki is connected through family traditions to the Other Side, and is likely to be dragged over into it (which is fatal) if Yoshiki and Hikaru don’t intervene.

Hikaru’s intervention plan is… risky. And low tech! And this is all I want to say until the story reaches some safe-to-discuss milestone.

The Summer Hikaru Died Subchapter covers shown in reverse order (3-2-1).  33-3 (red border, deer-like animals standing in a cave entrance as Yoshiki looks over his shoulder at them), 33-2 (yellow border, Hikaru and Yoshiki stand before a slit in reality surrounded by bent legs), 33-1 (pale green border: an ice cream sundae with fruit).

Great storytelling and creepy vibes continue – Mokumokuren is doing a superb job in pacing these episodes.

Music: Macroblank at Bandcamp

I’ve noticed that several songs on somafm’s Fluid channel/station that I especially like are by Macroblank, and that Macroblank has SIXTY releases at Bandcamp (the site that gives musicians a bigger piece of the profits than most others), so I am signed up for an account, and purchased the entire Macroblank discography.

If you want to see what I listen to and purchase in the future, you can visit my profile as lene2025 here.

Macroblank’s discography can be found here:

I’m wandering through the albums nearly at random, but have come back to the satisfying song Wrath of God on the Proxima Centauri release a few times (link below).

This is a pleasantly chill soundtrack for this rainy weekend.

Music: Vaporwave Weekend

I love electronic music, and many types of it, but fall behind in understanding the labels/names of the subgenres.

Future Soul I grasped. Liquid Trap I still suspect is a nickname to a nickname to a niche subgenre. But am I really into the microgenres Vaporwave, Mallsoft, and Barber Beats? Um… Maybe? Or is this all just invented so that other people can’t tell whether we’re cool or not?

My mood of the moment is Inner Lights from Macroblank’s collection Occult. This song sounds best with bass-heavy speakers .

Life: Returning Home to the Smell of Coffee

I remain amazed that my new pour-over-imitation-chemex device makes such a pleasant cup of Sulawesi-Kalosi (Peet’s). It doesn’t beat Yosemite Dos Sierras, but I enjoy it still.

It makes my house smell so nice. Especially after being out in the rain while running errands. Warmth and coffee. Ahhhh.


My errands included making the person at the hardware store laugh as she was ringing me up. She burst out unexpectedly while ringing me up with, “HAHAHA! You’re tall!” (I brought something to the counter that hangs from a very high hook, and she was impressed that I was able to get it on my own.) Reaching stuff FTW!

Other accomplishments today include sleeping 11 hours (I am/was a wreck), depositing a check I was sure I would never receive (a cleaning deposit from a place I lived a full year ago), cancelling a video streaming subscription, and signing up for a new audio streaming service!

My next task: writing to my European friends and explaining the current state of affairs from my point of view. What? No, I can’t just send the poop emoji, but thanks for the suggestion.

Life: Digital Security

It’s time to change my very long work password. This always disrupts the network and our phones for a day or so, and then comes the awkward habit of typing the old password automatically, and wondering why it doesn’t work.

The funniest part of the process to me is that the instructions include a sentence that our new passwords ‘must not be from the list of prohibited passwords.’

But… we aren’t allowed to see the list of prohibited passwords.

My imagination is off and running…