I’ve tried to have a restful and unproductive weekend, but got antsy, put away laundry (my least favorite chore), and through my restlessness made my home slightly less chaotic.
I mailed holiday cards out to my short list of active European correspondents, skimmed through my mail to find some unanswered letters, and wrote long, handwritten replies with fancy pens on obscure papers. Of the 43 cards and letters received from my pen friends so far this year, I’ve only got one left to respond to. I wrote ~67 letters this year (!!!!), and will likely write more during Xmas break. I’ve made 172 posts on this blog (this will be 173), and 185 photo posts (only some of which have wordy narratives) at my photo blog. I also filled several notebooks with personal nonsense that I needed to clear from my mind…
So perhaps I can go easy on myself for not completing the editing of my first NaNoWriMo novella, which I left somewhere in its third draft? Or at least easier on myself? Let’s pretend the answer is yes.