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030 : books : design : Geometry Makes Me Happy from Index Book

cover of Geometry Makes Me Happy (BNN Edition)

Geometry Makes Me Happy from Index Book (BNN Edition) (bnn.co.jp) is a charming collection of images showing how geometry is applied as a primary element in a wide range of contemporary art and design settings.

This sounds like an ambitious project - geometry is everywhere! - but if you can relate to the title (I do!) and have felt spontaneously charmed by the use of geometric shapes in murals, sculptures, housewares, and book covers, it is likely you will also be charmed by this photo-filled book.

There are many fine examples of geometry-centric concepts here. Highlights include Matt Shlian's paper sculptures (mattshlian.com), Leonardo Ulian's electrical component 'mandalas,' Elisa Strozyk's wooden textiles (elisastrozyk.de), and the entire graphic design section!

The selection of work is interesting and broad, and all of the work feels extremely contemporary.

I purchased the Japanese & English edition of the book, translated by BNN. This is because I am not normal. :) Index Book (formerly at indexbook.com) is a graphic-design publisher based/founded in Spain, and there are other, more "western-contemporary" covers for the English-language editions of this book (by which I mean they show 3-D photographic images and do not contain pink).

This book is an enjoyable walk through contemporary applications of geometric design concepts.

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images and text Copyright © 2015 - 2019 A. E. Graves, book cover images are the copyright of their respective owners

(posted November 14, 2015 refreshed January 2019)

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