
In a past incarnation, this was the Teahouse for the Contemplation of Enchiladas. Now it is a teahouse for the contemplation of many things, just some of which happen to be enchiladas.

Bay Sunrise, August 2017, image by A.E. Graves

Teahousehome.com features

Most active & recent content

Books and Coffee: my newest WordPress weblog, with content about my many interests, especially art, books, printing, and food (April 2020 - present).

yes: book reviews, art supply lists, and thoughts on unexpectedly becoming an international business traveler (2013 - 2019).

Archive and Core content, evolving slowly, changing infrequently

'things consumed 1 archive': an archive from July 2002 through April 2010 of my own bi-weekly writing on recipes, restaurants, spicy food love, various day-to-day obsessions, dubious dairy product ingredients, amusing news stories, and general self-indulgence. This navigation page features monthly summaries and links to all tags used.

words about pictures: thoughts about photography, one of my major passions.

books: reading, my ever-growing/never complete library, book binding, fiction writing.

expression: more books, comics, photography, artists, friends, news, films, mixed media.

food: foods I love, favorite cookbooks, links to my old vegetarian recipes.

Other sites of mine

mobilelene.blogspot.com: this is an active (in 2020) blog for news clippings and iPhone 7 photos, PLUS an archive of my iPhone 1 photo blog (January 2008 - September 2012), AND an archive of my Google+ feed, thanks to a laborious 2019 migration to beat the Plus shut down (July 2011 to early 2019).

aegraves.com. my photographic portfolio domain, published under my middle name. This isn't a catalog: just a teaser.

twitter.com/mobilelene. small observations, 99% of which are in the form of haiku.

Other archives of mine

things consumed 2 (mobilelene-blog.tumblr.com/), a now inactive Tumblelog of engaging content, especially NASA photos of nebulae, but also including favored fonts, mail art, Polaroid and Impossible Project prints, favorite links, and highlights from my own work.

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The "Official Personal" Website of Arlene Graves of San Francisco, California

images and original text Copyright © 2002 - 2024 A. E. Graves

(this particular page was last updated in March 2024)

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